Code Enforcement Team
In 1998, the Town of Yarmouth formed an Impact Team of inspectors and safety personnel to address problems of junk cars, unsanitary conditions, and noisy parties that were subjects of complaints in our community.
The team includes police, fire, building, natural resources, and health officials who cooperate on investigations of complaints and violations.
The Code Enforcement Impact Team’s efforts have reduced noise and overcrowding complaints, improved neighborhoods, and improved the overall quality of life in many areas of our community.
Contact Lieutenant Yarmouth Police Department with any questions.

Team Members Include:
Unit Commander
Deputy Chief Steven Xiarhos
Unit Supervisor
Unit Members
Building Commissioner James Brandolini
Building Inspector Andrew Aranult
Gas Inspector Peter DeFreitas
Housing Inspector Brian Heaslip
Animal Control Officer Penny Schiller
Sergeant Kalil Boghdan
Patrol Officer Erica Wenberg
Patrol Officer Richard White
Patrol Officer Christopher Vanness