No texting

Texting has increasingly become the way many people communicate. American teens send and receive an average of 3,300 text messages per month—more than 6 texts every hour they are awake. Sending text or email messages while driving is extremely dangerous, as it draws a driver’s eyes, mind and hands away from the road.
On average, texting causes drivers to look away from the road for 4.6 seconds. At 55 mph, the vehicle travels the length of an entire football field – including both end zones – while the driver isn’t looking.
Drivers texting while driving not only display slower reaction times and have difficulty staying in their lane, but also are less likely to see:
  • High and low relevant objects
  • Visual cues
  • Exits, red lights and stop signs
Drivers using cell phones behind the wheel miss half of the information in their driving environment. Texting while driving increases your chances of a crash by up to 8 to 23 times.
Drivers who type or read text messages contribute to at least 100,000 crashes each year, leading to thousands of preventable deaths. Take the pledge today to stay cell free while on the road so you are not responsible for the senseless death of another human being. No text is worth a life.