A policy manual cannot possibly address every circumstance encountered by law enforcement professionals. The Yarmouth Police policies are based on constitutional law and a “best practice” philosophy.
The Yarmouth Police Department policies are subject to frequent updates based upon changes in State or Federal law and/or best practices. As changes occur, the most current policies will be posted to the web page. Please find links to some of our current policies and procedures in policing below.
Please contact Chief Kevin Lennon with any questions or for further information.
Chief of Police Kevin Lennon
Updated 2020

Department Orders
Special Occurences
Use of Force
Bias Crimes
Crowd Civil Disorder and Special Events
Dealing with hearing impaired
Handling Animals
Handling individuals with mental illness
Interactions with transgender individuals
Media Relations and Public Information
Protective Custody
Search and Seizure
Towing of motor vehicles
Traffic Enforcement and management